
Quiet 3 inch exhaust
Quiet 3 inch exhaust


i just started up the new 408 tonight with pro mustang 1 7/8 headers, 3 inch prochamber h-pipe and 3 inch mac catback. Available for cars, trucks, and SUVs, Walker Quiet-Flow 3. quiet 3 inch mufflers jump to latest follow 1 - 5 of 5 posts. Manufactured in both steel and stainless steel versions, their turbo-style configuration provides great interior and exterior sound control without decreasing exhaust flow. I would recomend starting with a dynomax round and add a resonator or converter if it is too loud for you. Find Walker Quiet-Flow 3 Mufflers and get Free Shipping on Orders Over 99 at Summit Racing Replace your OEM muffler with one of these Walker Quiet-Flow 3 mufflers. Put to much muffler and you cut down on flow not enough and it is to loud. Just like the rest of the stuff on our cars it is all about matching the system to the car. The more open you make the system the louder it will be and the more muffler you will need to keep it in check. It is when you start getting big exhaust houseing turbos or clipped wheels, ported head, big cams ect. With a stock motor and stock turbo you could probably get away with just running a big muffler ( I would recomend a dynomax round case) with or with out a resonator depending on how quiet you really want it. Exhaust - Quietest 3 single/single muffler, regardless - Hi all, Ive got a 10.5:1 355 going through some 1 3/4 primary long tube headers into a 3 pipe and. Like I was saying before sound also depends on how big the rest of the stuff is too. If I was going to do it over again i would use 3 inch dynomax bullet for the resonator as they use the perforated tube instead of the louver tube like the cherry bombs. I really didnt notice performance diffrence with or with out the cherry bomb just a lot less noise inside the car. If you go for a cherry bomb for a resonator make sure you put it in backwards to help the flow. I personaly run a 12 inch case magnaflow (the round case dynomax I had before was alot quieter) at the bumper and then ran a 3 inch cherry bomb under the middle of the car for a resonator. It really depends on how big the rest of your stuff is too.

Quiet 3 inch exhaust